To Enroll in our 1 YEAR WARRANTY PROGRAM please fill up these cells
After you sent this information you will receive an Email regarding to your warranty confirmation in the next 1-3 bussiness days
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VENTECH Warranty period
The VENTECH products are made with high-strength materials and under the most stringent quality standards, they are calibrated, configured and tested for best performance and durability, which is why VENTECH can offer our buyers up to one-year warranty in our products.
Warranty Start Date
All VENTECH guarantees will be effective from the date of your Amazon purchase.
All warranty claims must be submitted before the expiration date of the warranty period.
Warranty Limitations
The warranty will only be valid for the correct use of the product under normal conditions and not apply if the hardware has been modified by unauthorized personal also if the warranty seal of the hardware has been removed or the product has been beaten , modified, damaged or impaired in any way, including but not limited to lightning, surges, spilled liquids or malicious damage. VENTECH shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use our products.
VENTECH will not be liable for any personal injury or death due to the wrong use of our products, directly or indirectly.